Nameraka Purin

hello, today I made a Japanese style pudding called Nameraka Purin It is a custard dessert with a soft caramel layer on top of it. You can call this dessert custard pudding, crème caramel, caramel custard, flan or a different name in your language, as it is enjoyed all over the world.
    This is a pudding that can be made without gelatin so the ingredients themselves are very simple and the way to cook is steam. perfect for those of you who want to try to make it at home. This pudding has a very soft texture and is very delicious to eat with caramel
here is the recipe

Servings: 3 - 4
Purin Ingredients:
3 room temperature eggs
3 tbsp of sugar
1 cup of whole milk
½ tsp of vanilla
Caramel Sauce Ingredients:
1 ½ tbsp of sugar
3 tbsp of water
addition 1 ½ tbsp of water
1. Start by bringing approximately 1 ½" of water to a boil in a large skillet. Once you put in the cups or ramekins, the water should be half way up the cup or ramekin. 
2. Whisk together eggs and sugar in a large mixing bowl.
3. Heat the milk and after that pour the milk and vanilla inside the eggs and sugar mixture.
4. Run the mixture through a sieve to remove any clumps.
5. Fill your cups or ramekins so it's ¾ full.
6. Turn the heat to the boiling water to low. Gently place your filled purin cups or ramekins into the skillet. Cover with a lid wrapped in a kitchen towel. Steam the purin for 10 minutes.
7. After 10 minutes, turn off the stove. Leave the lid on the skillet and continue to steam the purin for an additional 7 minutes.
8. Remove the purin cups/ramekins and let cool to room temperature. Once it's room temperature, chill in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
9. When you are ready to serve, prepare the caramel sauce. In a saucepan over medium heat, dissolve the sugar in 3 tbsp of water.
10. Once the sugar has dissolved, turn the heat to high. Swirl the saucepan to caramelize the sugar evenly.
11. When the sugar is the desired amber color, carefully add the remaining 1 ½ tbsp of water. Stir in the water and turn off the heat. Set aside to cool.
12. Once the caramel sauce has cooled, spoon over the purin. Chill again the fridge for 15 minutes before serving. Enjoy!  
Make sure to wrap the lid to the skillet in a kitchen towel to prevent condensation from dripping into the purin.
Be sure to turn the heat to the boiling water down to low before putting in the purin cups/ramekins. If the water is boiling vigorously, it will boil the purin and leave you with bubbles in the purin.
