Indonesia Food

    Sate lilit originally came from Klungkung. However, now this food is easily available in other areas of Bali such as Badung, Gianyar, and Denpasar. In the past, satay lilit was only made from pork and fish. This is because the majority of the population of Bali is Hindu.
    I chose this as an appetizer because satay is one of Indonesian cash foods and I chose a typical Balinese food theme.

    Soto Lamongan is a typical chicken soup dish from Lamongan, East Java. This soup is very distinctive and different from other soup, both in terms of presentation and taste. Soto Lamongan is one of the traditional foods from Lamongan which is very famous for its delicacy. Not only in the area itself, but also a very popular dish in Indonesia.

    Lawar is a traditional Balinese dish made based on certain color symbols, With the various colors and flavors containing messages, differences are not an obstacle to living in harmony and harmony.
    Various mixtures of typical Balinese spices such as grated coconut and other natural spices characterize the kahs of this traditional cooking mixture which as mentioned is typical Indonesian extreme food, Lawar was originally used for serving at ceremonies, both traditional ceremonies and religious ceremonies; But nowadays it has been sold as a good dish in stalls, restaurants and even star hotels in Bali.

    The history of Pisang Goreng is said to have started in 1511 when the Portuguese came to the Malay area. The Portuguese like to have breakfast with bananas that have been peeled, then they are covered in flour and fried. Then this food was adopted by the Malay community, including Indonesia.

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